Hi 👋,
I'm Richard Henninger

Full Stack Developer

I'm a software engineer specialized in frontend and backend development for complex scalable web apps. Check out my project portfolio and online resume for more!

What I Do

Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and technologies I use. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my online resume and projects.

Backend Development
Building efficient, scalable, and tested backend applications and API's using popular frameworks such as NodeJS, MongoDB, GraphQL, and TypeScript.
Frontend & Mobile Development
Building clear and tested frontend components using ReactJS and React Native utilizing state management frameworks and query languages such as ReduxJS and Apollo.
React Native
Unit & End to End Testing
Keeping deployments well maintained across all components and functions using testing frameworks such as React Testing Library, Jest, and Cypress.
React Testing Library
CI / CD and Dev Ops
Building deployment and development pipelines to keep up with the best practices in continuous deployment and continuous integration.
Version Control & Tooling
Keeping versions and packages consistent and maintained on a variety of applications using tooling like NPM, Git, Github, Bash, and Shell.
Npm Icon
Github Icon
Bash Icon
Frontend Design
Building mockup designs for applications in Adobe XD and fulfilling them to customer expectations using languages like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
Html 5 Icon
JavaScript Icon
CSS 3 Icon
Adobe XD Icon


Welcome to my portfolio. All of these projects can be seen on my github here.
If you want and application or website similar to what you see, feel free to contact me here.

InspireTo App Mockup

InspireTo is a production cross platform desktop application that allows users to read books, gather selections, and leverage their knowledge to create their own content in our markdown editor. Currently in a closed beta, contact me for more information.

richen.dev Mockup

My portfolio website built with NextJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS. A static website outlining client and server Form Validation, communicating with Express servers, Sanitization, and Validation.

BlogList App Mockup

List your favourite blogs! Authenticated and secure, this application was built using NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, ReduxJS, and ExpressJS. It shows knowledge of User Authentication, Routing, Unit testing, End to End Testing, State Management and Production Pipelines

Library App Mockup

List your favourite books! Authenticated and secure, this application was built using NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Apollo GraphQL, and ExpressJS. It shows knowledge of Apollo GraphQL Queries, Mutations, Subscriptions, Fragments, and Error Handling. This application also outlines User Authentication, State Management, and Production Pipelines.

RateRepo App Mockup

A mobile application for rating Github repositories built using NodeJS, React Native, GraphQL, Apollo Client, and Expo. This application outlines knowledge of Mobile Development, User Authentication, Unit Testing, Form Validation, State Management, and Infinite Scrolling.

Patientor App Mockup

Work in healthcare? Organize your patients and list diagnosis with this web app! This application was built using NodeJS, ReactJS, Typescript, and ExpressJS. It shows knowledge of Typescript features such as Types, Enums, and Interfaces. This application also outlines Form Validation, Proofing Express Requests, State Management and CI/CD Pipelines.

Anecdotes App Mockup

List your favourite anecdotes in this single-page app! This application was built using NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, ReduxJS, ExpressJS, and many more packages! It shows knowledge of Flux-Architecture, managing States with Reducers, Redux Devtools, Asynchronous Action Creators, and Production Pipelines

PhoneBook App Mockup

Manage your own phone numbers and more with richen-phonebook! This application was built using NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS, and many more packages!

Eskobot App Mockup

A discord bot for use with moderation, logging, games, and much more! Built to support multiple servers, local development, and production deployment. This application outlines the knowledge of building an application based on user feedback. Technologies used are NodeJS, Event Listeners, Refactoring, Sequelize, ES6 Array Methods

Contact Me

Interested in hiring me for your project or just want to say hi? You can fill in the contact form below or send me an email to richard@richen.dev

Want to get connected? Follow me on the social channels below.

Get In Touch


Richard Henninger Resume

© 2022 Richard Henninger

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